Sunday, March 21, 2010


It's been couple of months. I haven't been updating, in fact I haven't been drawing much. Life got quite busy for the past 3-4 months. I was traveling for quite a bit towards the beginning of this year but everything happened so fast I barely had time to sketch. And then I moved to London 2 months ago for a new job :) Life only got busier after that... Finally I got my internet working at home and a few spare moments to upload some of these sketches I did over the past few months. Looking at them I realize I need to sketch more :(

This is a sketch I did on the plane flying to China last Dec

This is a sketch I wish I had finished. The view from the window of my home in Beijing, we live on 18th floor, this is one side of the street, I kinda miss it only wish I remember what's on the other side of that street :(

I was sick the first month I arrived London, this is the sketch I did when I was waiting in the medical center on a Sunday afternoon.

I did this one last night. Alper was playing Rockband on the sofa looking very serious. To be honest, I think those plastic guitar looks quite let's just say "funny"!


  1. Yay! update =D
    Did that girl @ the medical center not feel weird, having you stare at her? haha

  2. So glad you're back!! I checked in every so often and definitely missed your posts! Don't be so hard on yourself, these are great sketches! I especially like the guy playing the guitar!

  3. Happy to see you again.


  4. nice sketches Sandy! i might be headed to london in June! so maybe we can sketch together. haha.
